Sunday, September 27, 2020

Barnyard millet Payasam:

 Barnyard millet Payasam:

Barnyard millet Payasam:


> Barn yard rice - 1 cup

> Jaggery - 2 1/2 cup

> Ghee.     - 1 cup

> Cashew - 1 tbsp (chopped)

> Raisin.   - 1tbsp(chopped)

> Coconut -1 tbsp(chopped)

> Cardamom powder-1/2 tsp

> Ginger powder -1/2 tsp



> Cook the sama rice in pressure cooker with 3cups of water for 3 - 4 whistle

>Melt the jaggery with a cup of water then strain it and then transfer the melted jaggery in a heavy bottomed pan

>Put the cooked rice to it and keep stirring by adding ghee little at a time

> When it leaves the sides of pan turn off the fame

> Fry the cashew, raisins, coconut in the ghee add it to the payasam with cardamom and ginger powder. Mix it well.

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