Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bajra Cauliflower Roti

 Bajra Cauliflower Roti

Bajra Cauliflower Roti
Pic source-google

1/2 cup bajra (black millet) flour

3/4 cup grated cauliflower

1 1/2 tbsp finely chopped spring onions whites

1 1/2 tbsp finely chopped spring onion greens

2 tbsp finely chopped coriander (dhania)

1/2 tsp ginger-green chilli paste

1/2 tsp grated garlic (lehsun)

salt to taste


Combine all the ingredients and knead into a soft-smooth dough, using enough water.

Divide the dough into 6 equal portions.

Roll out one portion of the dough into a circle of 125 mm. (5") diameter.

Place the roti on the non-stick tava (griddle). Turn over in a few seconds.

Cook the other side for a few more seconds.

Lift the roti with a pair of flat tongs and roast on over an open flame till brown spots appear on both the sides.

Repeat with the remaining portions to make 5 more rotis.

Serve hot.

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