Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sprouted ragicurd rings recipe:

 Sprouted ragicurd rings recipe:

Sprouted ragicurd rings recipe:



Sprouted ragi flour - 3/4 cup

Rice flour - 1/2 cup

Sour curd - 1-1/2 cups

Water - 1/2 cup

Jeera - 2 tsp

Hing - 1/4 tsp

Green chilli paste - 2 tsp

Grated ginger - 2 tsp

Finely cut coriander leaves - 2 tbsp

Oil - 2 tbsp + for frying


♦️ Add water+sour curd to a vessel & salt and keep on the stove.

♦️Add jeera, green chilli paste, grated ginger, hing & coriander leaves. Mix well.

♦️When it starts boiling, drop both the flours in the centre & cook for 2 mins.

♦️ Mix well without any lumps. Add 2 tbsp of oil, mix well & continue cooking on a low flame for 2 mins and remove from fire. 

♦️ Allow it to cool. When it's still warm, knead well and prepare rings & deep fry in oil.

♦️Sprouted ragi curd rings are ready. Serve with onion chutney or as it is.

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